Playtime Programme

The world is big, but little people turn it around

Day Camps for 3 and 4 Year Olds

If you are looking for day camps for 3 and 4 year olds our nursery-style Playtime programme is ideal. It combines exceptional care with a whole host of fun interactive activities; encouraging children to explore and learn in a safe and happy day camp environment. The programme is designed to offer a mix of stimulating and relaxing activities in a completely safe and secure setting. Energetic play, like bouncy castles, is mixed with quieter times like storytelling. Your little ones will come home energised and feeling wonderful after each camp day.

We have holiday day camps for 3 to 4 year olds running in many locations and across 6 counties from Devon to Kent, Berkshire to Sussex. We run camps during half terms and the Easter holidays. We also run winter camps and of course Summer Holiday camps for 3 and 4 year olds.

Summer Camps for 4 Year Olds

One of our most popular camps is the summer holiday club. It is often the first time parents feel their child is old enough to enjoy a summer camp because they have enjoyed their term time nursery and pre-school experience. We always advise booking early for this holiday and age range because the spaces do go quickly. If you have any questions about what our summer camps for pre-schoolers entail please get in touch and if you have any worries we are here to help!

Our Newest Activities

We are proud to present our re-designed camp programme for 3 to 4 year olds; crafted by industry experts who also work with Disney. Some of the exciting new activities for our Playtime group include:

  • Dinosaur Discovery
    Stomp and roar in this session all about dinosaurs. Beginning with lots of t-rex races and a hunt to find some dinosaurs, children will then be able to make a dinosaur mask to take home as well as making play dough dinosaur fossils. At the end of the activity children watch a handmade volcano erupt!
  • Giant bubbles
    Children will prepare some bubble mixture before chasing giant bubbles blown by the instructors – they might even get to stand inside a hula hoop bubble too!
  • Bee Bot Coding
    Bee-Bot is a basic robot designed with young children in mind. Throughout this session the group will work together to make Bee-Bot follow some simple commands.
  • Superhero Academy
    Children will be enrolled in a Superhero Academy and led through their challenges by the instructor. They’ll be tested for super speed, super strength, as well as the beginnings of learning to fly in the super jump tests. If they pass their superhero challenges they’ll be able to create a new superhero identity and make an ID card to take home.

Playtime learning and activity outcomes

Learning outcomes are thread through our Playtime programme, and tailored to the developmental needs of our youngest campers; with links to the EYFS and OFSTED frameworks. Learning is structured from the beginning to the end of the day as follows: 

P – Prepare for Day: A game to get to know one another and settle in with our Spinning Board Activity (which is a fun ice-breaker where children get to spin the wheel to choose their first activity)
L – Let’s Get Active: Active games get children moving and improving their physical abilities.
A – Act it Out: These activities give children the chance to role play and imagine.
Y – You Do It: Child-led free playtime such as soft play to release some energy
T – Teaching Time: Activities stem from EYFS, and children learn a new skill.
I – Interactive Stories: During these sessions, children get to join in with stories, songs and music.
M – Make a Memory: Much-loved creative activities which include creating an item to take home.
E – End of Day: A review of the activities done that day with a reminder of what they have learned.

View our sample menu to discover more of our brilliant Playtime programme. The learning focus for each activity is featured on the left-hand-side.

*Please note, activities will vary per date and location. Some of the activities shown in the sample timetable will not be running due to operational COVID-19 guidelines. These will be replaced by other fun activities.

Our early years staff

From the moment children arrive, there’s a smiling friendly face waiting for them. Playtime is managed by an experienced Early Years Manager and our team of Early Years Leaders.
Personal interaction is key and the staff are selected not only for their qualifications but their nature and sensitivity towards younger children. Staff to child ratio of 1:8 is observed at all times.

Children must be fully toilet trained and out of nappies/pull-ups to take part in our Playtime programme.

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simply call 01603 851 000

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Camp Kit

To avoid home clothes getting muddy or worn, we offer camp hoodies, t-shirts, baseball caps, a camp rucksack, water bottles and wristbands.

Order Camp Kit

You’re the only camp in the area that has truly made an effort to provide a great offering during these current times. You have saved me from insanity and provided my children some normality during the summer holidays and half term.

Parent, Claremont Fan School, October 2020
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